Apr 10, 2019 /
Petalumans know that when you travel outside of Sonoma County and tell someone that you’re from Petaluma, the next question often is, “Isn’t that the place that has a chicken parade?”
Chickens are just the beginning
It’s true – Petaluma does have an egg-centric past. Today, we relish sharing the many other characteristics that make Petaluma such a vibrant and special place – the community’s commitment to preserving our rich heritage, our makers who produce handcrafted cheese, brews and spirits, and talented chefs who use the bounty from local farms and ranches to create award-winning dishes – just to name a few of our claims to fame beyond the “World’s Egg Basket.”
Proud of our past
But there’s one day every year that we crack open the shells from the egg basket of our past and fully embrace Petaluma’s prominent place in poultry production. MORE